The majority of the financial resources of the association are now coming from the CNES, but we need all the help we can to increase the support to the projects, their ambitions, and the influence of the Federation! By making a donation, you make a concrete action in favor of the development of space infrastructure by all and for all.
Federation's expenses are mainly dedicated to the community :
- A platform - Hosting of your projects, free availability of tools, operational maintenance and continuous improvement.
- Communication - Organizing and participating in space community events
- Projects - financial support for projects hosted on the platform
- Operation - the association is 100% voluntary but pays insurance, bank charges and rent for its headquarters.
Budget breakdown

Go to our HelloAsso page to make a donation, and thereby contribute to the citizen and open source development of space infrastructure!
Open Space Makers being an association declared of public interest in France, your donations are entitled to a 66% tax reduction, according to the general conditions provided in articles 200 and 238 bis of the French general tax code.